

Preparing for the Next Generation of Performing Artists, Creative Voices, and Cultural Leaders


Through its 战略计划 2020-30, esball世博 rededicates itself to the mission of providing the highest caliber of artistic education for gifted artists in music, 跳舞, and drama from around the world, so that they may achieve their fullest potential as artists, 创造性的声音, 文化领袖. With our storied history, 著名的教授, 杰出校友, 严格的课程, 专门的人员, unparalleled performance opportunities, and 林肯中心 location as our foundation, we embody the highest level of excellence while also pushing past traditional bounds into new areas: expanded geographic and technological worlds as well as ever more inclusive and creative spaces. This strategic plan is guided by those aspirations.


战略计划ning Process

Throughout the 2018-19 school year, guided by the Chief Operating Officer (COO), ten working groups of trustees and subject matter experts on staff and faculty met repeatedly to probe the School’s strengths and 挑战 as it enters the next decade. The working groups produced a series of white papers about the strengths, 挑战, and opportunities within the divisions and functional areas. Through surveys and at regular and special convenings of the Artistic Planning Committee, 学院委员会, Administrative Council, 所有院系, 全体, 学生领袖, 和校友, 总统, 教务长 & 迪安, and COO apprised members of the community about the ongoing strategic planning discussions and included them in substantive consultations.

Through this process, seven pillars have emerged: four strategic priorities and three core values:   

Four Strategic Priorities 

In the coming 10 years, to prepare the artists of the future, our priorities are to: 

  1. Significantly increase funding for scholarships and financial aid, preserving and expanding upon our ability to recruit the most talented young artists, regardless of financial need; 

  2. Reinvigorate, renew, and retain faculty, and refresh curriculum, enabling world-class artist-educators to prepare our students 和校友 for a lifetime of artistic expression at the highest levels of human achievement; 

  3. Revitalize our physical campus—our home—into a creative hub like no other, a place of purpose and joy, with educational and performance venues that inspire, 孵化, and radiate our students’ and graduates’ artistry out into the world; and  

  4. Propel forward our educational and information technology, including in classrooms, 实践的房间, 表现空间, faculty and administrative offices, 以及学生宿舍, all in support of emerging curricular and professional needs. 


Interwoven with each of these priorities are three values of utmost importance: 

  1. 卓越, as it is essential that Juilliard maintain its number-one position worldwide in conservatory education; 

  2. 创意企业, instilling a culture of self-generating creativity, 想象力, 创新, and collaboration that readies students 和校友 to thrive in a new and fast-changing artistic landscape and helps them achieve their full potential as citizen artists; and 

  3. EDIB, a practice of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.